Progress on several fronts in the transept

Dans le bras sud du transept, les chaleurs estivales ne freinent pas l’avancée des travaux. Le dernier arc est posé. Il a fallu d’abord consolider le pilastre, usé par quelques siècles sous les intempéries. Ce sont maintenant quatre arcs de plein cintre qui enjambent notre bras d’église. Le mur ouest, lui aussi, est achevé. Il…

Spring in the transept

As spring returns, our ruined transept sees the resurgence of long-lost elements: the arches. Only one remained, on the belfry side, but the other pillars remained as if orphaned. With the formwork erected in January, other stone bridges are now being built to join one wall to another. From the capitals, the keystones are laid…

Advent 2023: restoration of the transept

Launched at the beginning of the summer, the restoration of the south arm of the Romanesque transept is progressing apace; The first phase of work was impressive; After preparing the area, including the installation of a crane, a concrete slab was poured on the ruin floor; Workers erected scaffolding all over the site; This enabled…

Transept restoration video

Removal of partition wall Between the ruined walls of the transept, workers from RBMH are making good progress; Following the casting the concrete slab, they quickly raised the scaffolding against the facades of the church arm. Soon, the entire volume of the transept was lined with metal structures; Workmen now have access to the walls…

Ready for winter

This autumn, work has resumed on the transept, to complete the preparatory work on the site; Two milestones have given a new dimension to the work area; First, a plasterboard wall was erected between the choir and the south aisle; In fact, RBMH’s workers quickly knocked down the wall isolating the south arm from the…