Take part in an exceptional human and spiritual adventure by joining the restoration project !
Your help will be crucial in raising the Abbey Church and restoring the historic buildings that will soon welcome visitors from all over the world.
In the United States
Through the French Heritage Society (FHS), a tax-deductible contribution under Section 170 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
FHS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of French architectural and cultural heritage in France and the United States; Convinced that culture is transmitted through its most remarkable achievements, FHS has lent its support to the ambitious restoration project at the Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Lagrasse; Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information;
In France
Support our bell tower and church restoration project with the Fondation de l’Abbaye de Lagrasse, sheltered by the Fondation Notre Dame, recognized as a public utility:
The Abbey of Lagrasse fundation will send you a tax receipt as soon as we receive your donation. As a foundation under Our Lady Foundation, you can benefit from the tax advantages of a non-profit foundation:
If you are an individual, your donations are tax-exempt (you can carry the excess forward for 5 years):
- Impôt sur le Revenu (IR) : 66 % du montant de votre don est déductible de votre impôt sur le revenu, dans la limite de 20 % de votre revenu net imposable.
- Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI) : 75 % of the amount of your donation is deductible from your IFI, up to a limit of €50,000, corresponding to a donation of €66,667.
The donation is deducted from your IFI or your IR, but cannot be combined with both taxes; You can however choose to split split your donation between these two deductions.
If you are a company, your donations are tax-exempt (you can carry forward the excess for 5 years):
- 60% of the amount of your donation is tax-deductible;The tax credit is limited to €10,000 or 5 ‰ of annual sales excluding tax for financial years ending on or after 12/31/2019 (40% for the fraction of your payments exceeding €2 million; €20,000 on or after 12/31/2020).
Contact :
Fondation de l’Abbaye de Lagrasse
6 rive Gauche, 11220 Lagrasse | Tél. : +33 4 68 58 13 12 | E-mail : fondation@lagrasse.org
Father Louis-Marie
Remi Delafon
Chariman of
the support committee
Astrid Stanfield-Pinel
chariman of
of the support committee (USA)