Why restore Lagrasse Abbey?

At the beginning of the restoration of our bell tower, in January 2020, we organized a round-table discussion with qualified guests at the Réfectoire des Cordeliers in Paris; Our aim was simple: to define with them the profound issues that justified the rehabilitation of France’s great religious monuments; Why embark on such an adventure? Why…

Literary meeting at the Bernardins

On February 22, an exceptional Rencontre Littéraire crowned the adventure of our book Trois jours et trois nuits; Supported by our publishers Editis and Fayard, the Collège des Bernardins welcomed us into its admirable great nave, an exceptional 12th-century Cistercian vessel;   Despite the latest health constraints and the February vacations, over 500 people came…

Fifteen writers at Lagrasse

“Writers have loved Lagrasse. There, they found friends, advisors, guides, simple men above all. No one was there to convince the other. But the gamble was not won in advance” writes Nicolas Diat in his preface… What happened at this abbey in the Corbières region between Carcassonne and Narbonne? Forty-two young canons live a life…

Interview with Stéphane Bern

After your commitment to Sénanque Abbey, you’re now coming to the aid of Lagrasse Abbey; Why this commitment? I often amuse myself by saying that I was touched by Lagrasse from my first visit during my The French people’s favorite village. This magnificent medieval village grew up near the abbey, under its protection, in an…