Work on the bell tower has made good progress since the summer; In June, the stonemasons installed the four gargoyles, each weighing over 150 kg; With the help of a mobile crane, they were approached and then embedded at a height of 25 m; high. They are now sealed and firmly in place; With the removal of the scaffolding, they are finally visible from below; But from above, it is they who look down upon us and remind us of their fatal example;
They symbolize the three concupiscences: Judas for attachment to material goods, Salome for lust of the flesh and Herod for pride of power; Religious fight these temptations with the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience; The last gargoyle represents discord in the form of the devil tearing at his heart, the inciter of disunity; To guard against this, the canon meditates on the opening words of St Augustine’s Rule: “Live together in one house, with one heart and one soul directed towards God;
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