In 2004, the Community of the Chanoines embarked on a bold adventure by moving into this abandoned monastery in Occitanie. In doing so, they restored the monastery’s religious vocation and set out to rescue its centuries-old historical, cultural and spiritual heritage.

Bringing an active community back to life

Thanks to the patronage and generosity of friends of the abbey, 100% of the roofs were restored. Then came the rescue and restoration of the cloister, the historic refectory, the kitchen, the chapter house and the bell tower, as well as the renovation of the canons’rooms and the creation of a medical infirmary. Through this experience, the community has acquired a certain mastery of large-scale projects.

In 2014, the Grand Trophée for the finest restoration of a private heritage site in France crowned this remarkable achievement. The award recognized the success of the forty or so canons who have brought this place back to life, with more than 20,000 visitors a year. This achievement inspires us to go even further.

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